Thursday, July 3, 2014

23 Weeks

Sometimes I don't even feel pregnant...well, most times actually. I feel fat, but that's all. I don't feel Piper move very often, even though everyone says I should this far along, but she's very small so she still has a lot of room to move around. I can still sleep regularly and I'm not swelling up or anything. Everytime I read one of my pregnancy apps and it talks about all these discomforts of pregnancy I worry because I don't have that must mean there's something wrong with me, right? I know, I know, nothing's wrong and I should be grateful to have this so easy! The worst problems I have are headaches and getting sick if I don't eat in decent time intervals. This week I'm going to work on gratitude for an easy may never happen again. 
Also, I have been asked about a registry a couple of times in the past week, so I finished it up (I think) and here's the link. (Just press the word "link" and it will take you there). I didn't register for clothes and such, but please, if you want to send me some adorable girly outfits, FEEL FREE! We are also decorating her nursery with a princess theme (of course) so if you want to send some princess decorations our way we won't complain :) 
How far along: 23 weeks! We are into our 6th month now! It feels surreal. 

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: I bought a pair of maternity pants and a super cute dress this past weekend from Motherhood. Man, that store is expensive! But I had a gift card from my mom, so that brought the price down considerably. That being said, I can still button my jeans. The pants in this weeks picture are buttoned and a size three. My mom reminds me everyday that there's something very wrong with that...maybe my belly is just really high...

Stretch marks: Nope.

Belly button in or out: It's in, but I'm not holding out hope for much longer. It's gotten very shallow. 

Sleep: Pretty much the same as last week. I have a hard time falling asleep because I'm not tired, but once I get to sleep I'm good. I'll wake up around 7:30 because I have to go pee and then I just get started with my day. I enjoy the fact that I can still sleep through the night. 

Best moment this week: Getting some temporary medical assistance! I have been working on that since we got pregnant and this week it finally happened! I was a little embarrassed about the fact that I am now relying on the government to help me pay for this pregnancy, but as my little sister reminded me, I actually pay my taxes and work hard so that I won't be on government assistance my whole life, so the government owes me. lol Thanks to all of you too! Your money is paying for my baby! :) Oh, also last night when Caleb read Goodnight Moon to Piper. That has got to be the MOST adorable thing he's ever done. 

Worst moment this week: Nothing bad really happened this week...Well, they did cut Caleb's hours at work, but just half an hour every day. So hopefully that won't be too big of a deal. 

Miss anything: Laying on my stomach and not feeling like a fatso. 

Movement: A little. I know my doctor said that she's still really tiny for how far along she is so she has lots of room, but I wish I could feel her more. Maybe I'll have to start eating some fattening foods so I can feel some more of her. 

Cravings: Not really. However, when I want something I blame it on a craving...even though both Caleb and I know that I don't actually crave it, it just sounds good. For example, last week we were talking about Chik-fil-a lemonade and how good it is, so I told him I was calling pregnancy craving and we went and got some. Did you know that you can buy it in a gallon??? Well, you can. It's only $10 and it's beyond worth it. 

Queasy or sick: A little bit the other day because I didn't eat enough. 

Looking forward to: The 4th of July! My husband has the day off :) Also, on Monday my Aunt Tammi is coming to visit! 

1 comment:

  1. I never felt Capri move very much in my belly and now that I see her personality it makes more sense. She is a very vigil baby that stays in the same position for hours and plays by herself and is just content! It's nice and I'm sure her mobility will increase with time :) it's a great thing if that's the case for piper. Ps we love piper and will prolly name our next girl that! Great name choice!
