Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Piper Turns Two

Dear Piper,
What a year you have had! Right after you turned one you went on your first plane to Ohio! You got to meet your Aunt Abby and Grandma Polly. Everyone was so sad because Grandpa Burr had passed away, but having you around brought a little bit of joy to an otherwise sad situation.
In February you and Mommy were separated for the first time when I went to a work conference in Florida. You did so good though! You got to play with GiGi and Daddy and they loved on you so you didn't even notice I was gone. In May you started nursery and Toddler Lab at BYU-Idaho. You loved nursery on your first day, but took a little more convincing over the next few weeks. Toddler Lab was a hard adjustment for you. You weren't use to being somewhere without Mommy and Daddy, and it didn't help that you had a lot of little ones crying in your classroom! Toddler Lab was never your favorite thing, but you did learn to be tolerant of going and you loved when you got to play outside in the little cars!
In July you got to spend a week with Grammy and PaPaw so Mommy and Daddy could go to Florida to celebrate my graduation, Daddy's birthday and our wedding anniversary. You were such a trooper! You missed Daddy way more than you missed Mommy, but you've been so use to Daddy always being home with you that my feelings weren't hurt...too much.
In August you stopped sleeping with your bottle! This was a huge step! You helped Mommy and Daddy pack it up and send it to your cousin Macie because she's a baby and still needed a bottle, but you are a big girl! You were heartbroken not to have your bottle anymore, but Mommy's heart broke even more knowing that you aren't a baby anymore.
Then, in October, you went on your second plane ride to attend your great-grandpa's funeral in Indiana. While there you met so many new people! Lots of uncles, aunts and cousins, plus your Great-Grammy. You also got to meet one of Mommy's favorite people, Teresa Smith. I promise your next flight will be for something happier than a funeral!
You have grown up so much this year.Your vocabulary has flourished and it seems like you are constantly learning new words! Today you told me all about how two little girls weren't "nice" while you were playing in the "car" at Chick-fil-a.
You have made new friends, found a love for babies, and fallen for fishes and monsters. You would watch Finding Nemo and Monster's University all day every day if we let you.
You are so stubborn and full of life. You know what you want and you won't let anyone change your mind. There is nothing you cannot do.
You are two. Two has become your favorite word. My heart hurts thinking that the last two years have gone by so quickly, I know that the next 16 will go even quicker and then you will be on your own starting college.
You love tickles, singing songs, chasing Mommy and Daddy with oven mitts, pretending they are monsters. You change every day.
You have to sleep with all of your favorite stuffed animals, a monkey, a dog, a monster (Sullivan), Mommy's teddy bear, Samson, and now, your giant Dory fish. Oh, and your twin size fleece fish blanket. Your crib is packed!
You love giving eskimo and butterfly kisses and will hand them out ten at a time when Mommy is trying to put you to bed, you know where my weak spot is!
Banner is still your best friend and worst enemy. You guys fight like siblings.
In 15 days you'll get to meet your Uncle Isaiah. The last time you saw him you were only 2 weeks old! I know it will be a strange adjustment for you, but you will love him as much as I know he already loves you.
Piper, you have no idea how much you are loved. There are no words to describe the love that everyone has for you. I cannot imagine that there has been or ever will be a child who is loved as much as you are. You bring joy to everyone you meet. You are sunshine. I pray you never lose sight of your goodness.
We love you Sweet P.
Mommy and Daddy