Thursday, September 25, 2014

35 Weeks

So I can now count down the weeks on one hand. At times I feel like I have been pregnant forever and then at other times it feels like it's flying by. So many of my friends have been having their babies a couple weeks early, so I'm really hoping I will follow in the footsteps. The baby shower is officially set for October 18th, so anytime after that would be good. I am stressing out about all the things we don't have. I know that most of it will come at the shower, but I want her room done now! I'm blaming it on nesting, but I know that I would be that way whether or not I was pregnant. I like having things in order!

How far along: 35 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yeah. I'm lucky that I don't work so I can just lounge around in my big comfy pj's. When I wear clothes that are even a little tight I get sick. Even just wearing a shirt that is fitting makes me sick. Maternity pants with a full stomach panel...yeah, bad news. I get really hot and faint and my stomach feels like I put a corset  on it and pulled tight. 

Stretch marks: Just a little. I got some cream and stuff and now they are almost gone :)

Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer. 

Sleep: It's okay. Some nights are good, some nights aren't. 

Best moment this week: Figuring out all our stuff for going back to Rexburg. Caleb and I have both figured out our classes and we put a deposit down on our apartment. Our original plan was for me to take online schooling to finish my degree, but after praying and pondering about the subject we decided the best thing for me would be to continue my degree on campus. It will be difficult, I'll be in class MWF from 9-4 with only one 30 minute break between classes, but it will be worth it once I have my degree. 

Worst moment this week: Feeling sick. 

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach and sleeping through the night. 

Movement: Yep. Her movements are getting very jabby's a little painful at times. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Yeah, I was really sick yesterday morning because of my clothes. 

Looking forward to: Getting my haircut on Saturday. It's just a trim, but still, it's been a while and this will be my last cut until after Piper comes :)

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

So this is a week late, but I forgot to do the compare last week. You'll forgive me, I'm blaming it on pregnancy brain.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

34 Weeks

The weeks just keep coming! 34 weeks along! Can you believe it? That means only 6 more until our due date. I'm really hoping that this little one comes on time or even a little early, not because I'm so uncomfortable, because I am a little, but just cause I want to meet her!!!

How far along: 34 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Mostly just maternity shirts. I pretty much stick to leggings and wear the same outfits over and over. Buying clothes that I'm going to wear for such a short period of time just seems so silly. 

Stretch marks: Yes. Last week I got some stretch mark cream and oil and it seems to be working! I don't put it on as often as it recommends, but it still works :)

Belly button in or out: Caleb says it's out...I guess he's right. I was hoping it would just stay in forever. I guess I can't get everything I want. 

Sleep: It's alright. I'm still having a hard time falling back asleep after I go to the bathroom, but I think that part of that is because I am super hungry. So we went to the store to get some granola bars and stuff that I can eat really fast. Hopefully that will help me to get back to sleep. I am also having a really hard time with my hips. I think because they are getting wider and also because I am sleeping on my side...they are just in constant pain. A heating pad seems to alleviate some of that pain, so does a warm bath, but I get overheated really easily lately so I try to stay away from the baths if I can help it. 

Best moment this week: Having my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and nephew come for a visit! We haven't seen Nicolle since our wedding so it is so fun to have them here for just a little bit. Especially since we are both pregnant (did I tell you that BOTH my sister-in-laws are expecting? We are all just a couple weeks apart). 

Worst moment this week: Not being able to fall back asleep. I'm already emotional because of being pregnant and then you add being tired on top of that, it makes for a bad combination. Poor Caleb. 

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. My answer will always be that. 

Movement: Yep. Her movements are getting very jabby's a little painful at times. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: I get sick when I stand for too long, so that's annoying.

Looking forward to: The temple dedication in Ogden, Utah. We won't be able to go to the live meeting, but we will get to watch it's broadcast. I love the House of the Lord and am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to be married in one.

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

33 Weeks

This week has been pretty simple. We had a doctor's appointment today and bombarded him with questions. We are starting to get into the delivery mindset, so most of our questions revolved around that. Piper is doing well, she's strong and moves a lot. She continues to favor her daddy...the stinker. We determined a date for the baby shower this week! October 11th. If you'd like an invitation let me know and I'll make sure you get one. 

How far along: 33 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep. My mom got me that cute maternity shirt you see in this weeks picture! 

Stretch marks: Yes. I got some stuff that is supposed to make them go away...we'll see...

Belly button in or out: I don't know what it's doing. It went back in one day this week, like really in. It was weird. But now it's back to being flat.  

Sleep: I sleep pretty well until I get up to go to the bathroom. That's also around the time Caleb gets up to go to work. So I'll sleep through the night and then around 5 I wake up to go potty, then Caleb gets ready for work and there's no falling back asleep for me...bummer. Somedays I can stay in bed and fall back asleep around 8 and sleep for about 2 hours. 

Best moment this week: Getting our maternity pictures! Were they not just gorgeous?!?!?! I am so in love with these pictures. She was able to capture our love for one another and our little girl. Plus, the lighting she got was amazing. Love, love love!

Worst moment this week: Today I had a minor break down. There was a robbery at a local bank and he was holding hostages. When he left the bank he took two women with him. They locked down the local schools and were canvassing our neighborhood. None of this directly involved me, but it made me think. I started crying to Caleb because we had made a choice to bring a child into this evil world. "What were we thinking?" I asked him. He comforted me, of course, and reminded me that this was something we needed to do and although we wouldn't be able to always protect her, we would be able to teach her to be smart and kind. It's not much, but it's enough.

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. When does that get to happen again?!?!?! 

Movement: Yes. She likes to move for her dad, not so much for me. 

Cravings: I have decided that I have actually had cravings...they just weren't what I was expecting. Everyone has cravings where something just sounds good and that's what I've had. I thought that my pregnancy cravings would be like this mouth-watering, have to have this now, kind of thing. 

Queasy or sick: I get sick when I stand for too long, so that's annoying.

Looking forward to: My husband's changing work schedule. He gets to wake up an hour later and come home a half-hour sooner, but get paid like he was working longer hours! Yay!!!

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

PS If you happen to know of someone with a glider in the STG area please let me know! I really don't want to have to pay full price for one. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

32 Weeks

We have had such an amazing week! Life is treating us really well. We are now in our eighth month! It is flying by. I feel like there is so much to do but I'm not even sure where to start. Some stuff, like washing her clothes, I know that I need to do after the baby shower so I can just wash them all at once, but I just want everything done now. I'm so impatient. Also in my What to Expect When You're Expecting book it says that I should pack my hospital bag this week. That seems crazy. I still have 8 weeks!
How far along: 32 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Of course. I put on some pre-pregnancy pants the other day for a date with my husband and they still fit! I could even button them. Totally uncomfortable, but still :)

Stretch marks: Yes. No new ones. 

Belly button in or out: I don't even know. It's pretty much just flat, neither in nor out. 

Sleep: Hit and miss still. Some nights I can't even get to sleep. So that's fun. 

Best moment this week: There were so many! We got to visit with Caleb's sister and her husband. I loved seeing them. It was so good to catch up with them. We also took our maternity pictures last night! I am so stinking excited about them. Alyssa Ence took them and she made me feel gorgeous and she was so fun to work with! I cannot wait to see them. And we are making some serious progress on her nursery! Check out the end of this post for some pictures :)

Worst moment this week: Not being able to sleep. It was like 2 am before I fell asleep the other night. 

Miss anything: As always, sleeping on my stomach. 

Movement: Yep! She moves all the time. She had the hiccups the other day! I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and when I laid back down I felt these little flutterings that were in a rhythmic pattern. They lasted for an hour! At first it was nice, but after a while it was incredibly annoying. I just wanted to go to sleep. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Not really, just when I stand or walk for too long. 

Looking forward to: Checking out the waffle bus this weekend! 

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

We hand painted our changing table! Check out that cute crate Caleb made :)

Close up of the left drawer.

Close up of the right drawer.

Check out how talented Caleb is! He drew that silhouette. 

He drew this one too.

We finally set up our crib! My sister gave us that cute net that she used to have on her bed.
Now we just need some bed sheets :)