Thursday, September 18, 2014

34 Weeks

The weeks just keep coming! 34 weeks along! Can you believe it? That means only 6 more until our due date. I'm really hoping that this little one comes on time or even a little early, not because I'm so uncomfortable, because I am a little, but just cause I want to meet her!!!

How far along: 34 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Mostly just maternity shirts. I pretty much stick to leggings and wear the same outfits over and over. Buying clothes that I'm going to wear for such a short period of time just seems so silly. 

Stretch marks: Yes. Last week I got some stretch mark cream and oil and it seems to be working! I don't put it on as often as it recommends, but it still works :)

Belly button in or out: Caleb says it's out...I guess he's right. I was hoping it would just stay in forever. I guess I can't get everything I want. 

Sleep: It's alright. I'm still having a hard time falling back asleep after I go to the bathroom, but I think that part of that is because I am super hungry. So we went to the store to get some granola bars and stuff that I can eat really fast. Hopefully that will help me to get back to sleep. I am also having a really hard time with my hips. I think because they are getting wider and also because I am sleeping on my side...they are just in constant pain. A heating pad seems to alleviate some of that pain, so does a warm bath, but I get overheated really easily lately so I try to stay away from the baths if I can help it. 

Best moment this week: Having my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and nephew come for a visit! We haven't seen Nicolle since our wedding so it is so fun to have them here for just a little bit. Especially since we are both pregnant (did I tell you that BOTH my sister-in-laws are expecting? We are all just a couple weeks apart). 

Worst moment this week: Not being able to fall back asleep. I'm already emotional because of being pregnant and then you add being tired on top of that, it makes for a bad combination. Poor Caleb. 

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. My answer will always be that. 

Movement: Yep. Her movements are getting very jabby's a little painful at times. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: I get sick when I stand for too long, so that's annoying.

Looking forward to: The temple dedication in Ogden, Utah. We won't be able to go to the live meeting, but we will get to watch it's broadcast. I love the House of the Lord and am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to be married in one.

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

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