Thursday, September 11, 2014

33 Weeks

This week has been pretty simple. We had a doctor's appointment today and bombarded him with questions. We are starting to get into the delivery mindset, so most of our questions revolved around that. Piper is doing well, she's strong and moves a lot. She continues to favor her daddy...the stinker. We determined a date for the baby shower this week! October 11th. If you'd like an invitation let me know and I'll make sure you get one. 

How far along: 33 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep. My mom got me that cute maternity shirt you see in this weeks picture! 

Stretch marks: Yes. I got some stuff that is supposed to make them go away...we'll see...

Belly button in or out: I don't know what it's doing. It went back in one day this week, like really in. It was weird. But now it's back to being flat.  

Sleep: I sleep pretty well until I get up to go to the bathroom. That's also around the time Caleb gets up to go to work. So I'll sleep through the night and then around 5 I wake up to go potty, then Caleb gets ready for work and there's no falling back asleep for me...bummer. Somedays I can stay in bed and fall back asleep around 8 and sleep for about 2 hours. 

Best moment this week: Getting our maternity pictures! Were they not just gorgeous?!?!?! I am so in love with these pictures. She was able to capture our love for one another and our little girl. Plus, the lighting she got was amazing. Love, love love!

Worst moment this week: Today I had a minor break down. There was a robbery at a local bank and he was holding hostages. When he left the bank he took two women with him. They locked down the local schools and were canvassing our neighborhood. None of this directly involved me, but it made me think. I started crying to Caleb because we had made a choice to bring a child into this evil world. "What were we thinking?" I asked him. He comforted me, of course, and reminded me that this was something we needed to do and although we wouldn't be able to always protect her, we would be able to teach her to be smart and kind. It's not much, but it's enough.

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. When does that get to happen again?!?!?! 

Movement: Yes. She likes to move for her dad, not so much for me. 

Cravings: I have decided that I have actually had cravings...they just weren't what I was expecting. Everyone has cravings where something just sounds good and that's what I've had. I thought that my pregnancy cravings would be like this mouth-watering, have to have this now, kind of thing. 

Queasy or sick: I get sick when I stand for too long, so that's annoying.

Looking forward to: My husband's changing work schedule. He gets to wake up an hour later and come home a half-hour sooner, but get paid like he was working longer hours! Yay!!!

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

PS If you happen to know of someone with a glider in the STG area please let me know! I really don't want to have to pay full price for one. 

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