Tuesday, March 3, 2015

4 Months Old

This baby is growing up so quickly! I can't believe I have the privilege of watching her grow up! I don't have current stats on her because she hasn't been to the doctor in a month, but I will on Thursday :)
Baby girl has to get her second round of shots Thursday morning. (I'm just gonna make a little plug, VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN! I'd like my child to be safe so vaccinate yours. Okay, done.)
It's been a big month! Although, when they are this little, aren't they all?
Piper rolled over from her back to her tummy this month! The first FOUR times she did this we didn't even see it! We'd put her on her back and the next thing we know, we look over and she's on her tummy! Then when we stare at her waiting for her to roll over, she wouldn't! She's such a stinker.
In fact, she loves to be a stinker! When we make her laugh we can only use the same material once. We could do something that will make her laugh and laugh but if we do the same thing just five minutes later she doesn't laugh anymore! She's a tough critic.
This month she has discovered her toes and loves to grab them. It's hard to get her to stop grabbing her toes!
She loves fingers.
She loves Mommy's hair.
She loves her Daddy. Her face lights up whenever he walks into the room.
She continues to love staring at herself in the mirror...or any reflective surface.
She has started to play with toys and loves her playmat from Grammy and PaPaw.
We are STILL not sleeping through the night. Mommy will be talking to the doctor about that on Thursday.
She is very bashful. When you smile at her she gets excited and hides her face.
We still have to trick her into smiling for pictures.
She is settling into her bedtime routine.
We are so lucky to have this baby girl.

Life as Mommy is perfect. It's incredibly hard and seems to get harder as she gets older (which is totally backwards, right?).

Last night I broke down when I realized that Piper is getting too big for her sleeper and soon we will have to move her to her crib. I know this is a traumatic experience for most mom's, but for me there's an added sadness to it. I don't get to spend as much time with her as I'd like. I miss out on hours of watching her growing up. When I get home homework is supposed to be a priority. I feel guilty every day because my time isn't spent how I want it to be. Having Piper sleep next to me feels like a little more time I get to spend with her...it's a comfort. When she moves to her own room that's 8 more hours I'm not with her. I'm not ready.

Being my friend is hard. It's hard because I don't want to go out anymore. My time is not meant for going out to eat, hanging out at someone's apartment, etc. My time is meant for my husband and my baby. I still love to spend time with friends, but I need friends who understand that I come with a baby now. I want to hang out, but I want to do it from my own home, with my baby. When I do go out, it's a huge ordeal. You have to pack a lot of things to make sure you're prepared for anything a baby can throw your way. Going out is more work than it's worth sometimes. I am grateful for the friends I have who come over to my place and play with my baby. I am grateful for the friends who don't flake out on me because I can't go out. I am grateful for these people. Being a mom is hard, but perfect.

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