Well, here we are, 40 weeks. It's our due date, and yet she is showing no signs of coming today...or anytime soon for that matter. At my appointment on Tuesday I hadn't dilated or effaced anymore than the week before. He stripped my membranes, which did nothing, obviously, since I'm not in labor. We have another appointment on Monday and we will schedule to be induced at that appointment. According to the nurse we could be induced that same day, but my doctor said something about not being allowed to induce until I was officially a week over, which would be next Thursday...so I'm not really sure when it will happen, but for now I'm planning on Thursday, November 6th...I am not supposed to be pregnant in November. Watch for a Facebook status update on Monday and we'll let you know when we are going to be induced.
How far along: 40 weeks...I am supposed to be done!
Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!
Maternity clothes: Yep, yep. I can't wait to wear my regular clothes again.
Stretch marks: Just a little.
Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer.
Sleep: This week I think I have become like every other pregnant lady. Sleep has been awful. I fall asleep at 10, wake up at 11 and can't get back to sleep until 3. Then I'm up every half-hour to an hour to go to the bathroom. I do what I can during the day to try and sleep during the night, but it doesn't seem to help. Like, if I'm tired during the day and I could feel myself slipping into a nap I start to do something so that I can sleep during the night...but it doesn't work. I still can't sleep at night.
Best moment this week: Winning the costume contest at my church party. It was so weird that I won because I was stressing out about my costume. I have never dressed up as something that isn't pretty and for some reason I was having a lot of anxiety about it. So winning was really cool.
Worst moment this week: Still being pregnant. Does that count?
Miss anything: Not being pregnant. And everything related to that.
Movement: Not so many kicks anymore, since she's running out of room, but lot's of pushing against me.
Cravings: Nope.
Queasy or sick: Nope.
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment on Monday and also my sister-in-law is getting induced on Monday! I can't wait for Baby Larson to make his appearance.
Extra: Here's the registry link. http://www.target.com/GiftRegistrySearchViewCmd?registryType=BB&jsRequest=true&catalogId=10051&status=completePage&cumulativeTime=-1&listId=GXCHgkyVBN9G_dcj-V7vUQ&noOfPings=®istryFirstName=Rebekah&langId=-1&segmentGrpName=-1&storeId=10151®istryLastName=Hackett Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.
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