And just in case you don't know what a winter melon is...
Who would have thought that I would ever get this far! Okay, obviously everyone, but it just seems crazy that I'm here and we are so close to meeting her! We had a doctor's appointment on Monday and he said that everything is going right on track. He says that Piper is measuring at 35 weeks, so a little small, but her heartbeat is healthy. I am also one cm dilated. Nine cm left!
How far along: 37 weeks.
Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!
Maternity clothes: Yep, yep.
Stretch marks: Just a little.
Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer.
Sleep: Good and not so good. Once I can find a comfortable position I'm usually good for the night. Sleeping with a heating pad also really helps.
Best moment this week: Getting a package from my best friend, Abby! It was filled with the best, most thoughtful gifts. I'm so lucky to have a friend like her. Also, my other best friend, Sister Jallyn Shepherd, hit her one year mark this week!!! Only 6 months until I get her back!
Worst moment this week: Last Friday I got really sick. The doctor said it could be a distended gallbladder, but they weren't really sure. It went away so nobody's worried.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. I was thinking about it last night, I'm not even sure I remember how to do it. Hopefully it's like riding a bike and when this little one gets out I will be able to get right back to it.
Movement: Not so many kicks anymore, since she's running out of room, but lot's of pushing against me.
Cravings: Nope.
Queasy or sick: Just the gallbladder thing.
Looking forward to: Seeing Meet the Mormons tonight.
Extra: Here's the registry link.®istryFirstName=Rebekah&langId=-1&segmentGrpName=-1&storeId=10151®istryLastName=Hackett Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.
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