Does anyone even know what a crenshaw melon is? No? Me either. Here's a picture.
How insane is it that we only have four weeks until our due date??? We have all the necessary "big" stuff, like a crib and changing table, we have enough newborn clothes to get us through, so if she comes early we will make it :) However, I am really hoping that she waits and comes after the baby shower on the 18th. That would be nice of her...just as long as she doesn't wait too long! I had a doctor's appointment with my thyroid doctor this week. She said that the nodule on my thyroid has gotten smaller which means that it is not cancerous. She couldn't say that for 100% it's not cancerous because she hasn't done a biopsy, but she said that if it was cancerous it would have gotten bigger and my thyroid levels would not have remained normal. So that's fabulous news! She does want to do a biopsy after Piper is born, just to be safe.
How far along: 36 weeks.
Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!
Maternity clothes: Yep. Does anyone get to 36 weeks and not wear maternity clothes? I actually just got some really cute jeans and am kind of bummed that I don't get to wear them much longer...I may just wear them all the time. What? They're cute!
Stretch marks: Just a little. I got some cream and stuff and now they are almost gone :)
Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer.
Sleep: You know, I've really been blessed in the sleep department. I have had some troubles, but nothing that keeps me up all night every night. Once I get to sleep I usually am able to stay asleep until I need to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Finding out from my doctor that I am most likely cancer free! Also, seeing some of my students yesterday. I went to the school to drop off baby shower invitations and spent some time with my students. One of them, I'll call her Peter Pan, asked me if I could take Piper out for a little bit. She's so silly.
Worst moment this week: Being so sleepy! Even though I sleep pretty well I still want to take a nap everyday.
Miss anything: Okay, I know this has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I miss Autumn weather. It still gets up in the 80's and 90's here in St. George and I hate it. IT'S OCTOBER FOR HEAVEN'S SAKES! I want to wear my pants, boots, scarves and sweaters!!! I cannot wait to move away from here.
Movement: Yeah, she doesn't kick much anymore, but she pushes up against me.
Cravings: Nope.
Queasy or sick: Yesterday when I woke up I was super sick. Like, about to throw was weird, but it didn't last long.
Looking forward to: General Conference weekend. I am so stinking excited to get to sit at a prophet's feet and listen to the words of the Lord. If you'd like to experience it you can watch it online at
Extra: Here's the registry link.®istryFirstName=Rebekah&langId=-1&segmentGrpName=-1&storeId=10151®istryLastName=Hackett Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.
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