Thursday, October 30, 2014

40 Weeks

Well, here we are, 40 weeks. It's our due date, and yet she is showing no signs of coming today...or anytime soon for that matter. At my appointment on Tuesday I hadn't dilated or effaced anymore than the week before. He stripped my membranes, which did nothing, obviously, since I'm not in labor. We have another appointment on Monday and we will schedule to be induced at that appointment. According to the nurse we could be induced that same day, but my doctor said something about not being allowed to induce until I was officially a week over, which would be next I'm not really sure when it will happen, but for now I'm planning on Thursday, November 6th...I am not supposed to be pregnant in November. Watch for a Facebook status update on Monday and we'll let you know when we are going to be induced. 
How far along: 40 weeks...I am supposed to be done!

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep, yep. I can't wait to wear my regular clothes again. 

Stretch marks: Just a little. 

Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer. 

Sleep: This week I think I have become like every other pregnant lady. Sleep has been awful. I fall asleep at 10, wake up at 11 and can't get back to sleep until 3. Then I'm up every half-hour to an hour to go to the bathroom. I do what I can during the day to try and sleep during the night, but it doesn't seem to help. Like, if I'm tired during the day and I could feel myself slipping into a nap I start to do something so that I can sleep during the night...but it doesn't work. I still can't sleep at night. 

Best moment this week: Winning the costume contest at my church party. It was so weird that I won because I was stressing out about my costume. I have never dressed up as something that isn't pretty and for some reason I was having a lot of anxiety about it. So winning was really cool. 

Worst moment this week: Still being pregnant. Does that count?  

Miss anything: Not being pregnant. And everything related to that. 

Movement: Not so many kicks anymore, since she's running out of room, but lot's of pushing against me. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Nope. 

Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment on Monday and also my sister-in-law is getting induced on Monday! I can't wait for Baby Larson to make his appearance. 

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

39 Weeks

A lot less drama this week. Thank heavens! We had an appointment on Tuesday and we are 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I know that none of that means labor is imminent, but it does make me feel closer. Our doctor thinks that she will be born right around her due date. So about 7 more days! Next week we should have our little girl! It felt like this day would never come and now it's right around the corner. 
How far along: 39 weeks!

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep, yep. I can't wait to wear my regular clothes again. 

Stretch marks: Just a little. 

Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer. 

Sleep: Pretty good. She has definitely dropped though because I am getting up more often to go potty. 

Best moment this week: The baby shower. It was so much fun. Thank you to all who came and shared this with me. I know that it was a bad weekend, being Fall Break, but I really appreciate all of you who were able to come. It was so fun and the gifts were wonderful :)

Worst moment this week: I haven't really had a bad moment this week. 

Miss anything: Not being gawked at by people. Yes, I know, my stomach is huge, get over it. 

Movement: Not so many kicks anymore, since she's running out of room, but lot's of pushing against me. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Nope. 

Looking forward to: Carving pumpkins with my sweetheart :)

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

Friday, October 17, 2014

38 Weeks

This post is going to be a huge rant as soon as we get to the worst part of this week. It's also going to have more details of the "joys" of pregnancy. Some of the details you may not want to read, but I'm posting them anyways because I have been honest this far! Plus it just shows how stupid my doctor is. So, you've been warned. 
How far along: 38 weeks...only 2 more, which is very hard to believe. 

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep, yep. 

Stretch marks: Just a little. 

Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer. 

Sleep: Pretty good. I've been so sick that my body has only wanted to sleep. 

Best moment this week: This week has pretty much sucked, so the two best things from this week are that Netflix announced Friends will be coming to their website on January 1st and that Delilah (the radio show hostess) now has a channel in St. George!!! 

Worst moment this week: Okay, here goes. So, remember how last week I got sick and they told me that it was my gallbladder, but because it went away they did nothing about it. On Tuesday I was awoken by a terrible stabbing pain in the middle of my stomach. That was at 7:30. I went to the bathroom and went number 3...a lot (I told you the details were gross). I was in so much pain. My neighbor, who is also a doctor, came over and checked on me. He talked to me about my symptoms and felt my tummy to see if I was contracting, I wasn't. He said that it might be gas and to drink LOTS of fluids to try and pass everything through quickly. I was nauseous all day, and the stabbing pains and diarrhea were pretty much constant. I took some gas medicine, still nothing. Around 4:30 Caleb took me to Labor and Delivery. They monitored me and Piper and told us that it was contractions...It wasn't. When the monitor said that I was having a contraction I didn't feel anything, but when I had the stabbing pain the monitor didn't move. So we left with no answers. Around 9:30 that same night I was still in a ton of pain so we went to the ER. We told them all of my symptoms (including the new one of having all my burps taste like sulfur). They said it was probably gas and gave me some fancy hospital medicine that was supposed to coat my stomach. Nobody seemed worried about the fact that I was having constant diarrhea and couldn't eat or drink anything without my stomach getting really upset. Basically, as soon as I put anything in me it came right back out. We left the ER at 1:30 am the next morning. I woke up Wednesday and still felt sick. I took a little nap and started to feel better afterwards. I still had diarrhea all day but I went to bed feeling pretty good. Thursday I woke up and was sick again. This time I didn't have the stabbing pain, but I was really nauseous, I was even dry heaving at points throughout the day. I still had diarrhea. Every time I went to the bathroom that's what came out...and I was in the bathroom a lot. I started googling my symptoms and one of the first things I saw said that if I had been having diarrhea for more than 24 hours to call my doctor. I called, the nurse said that I probably just had a little bug but that I could take some imodium and that if I wasn't better in the morning to come in and they'd try to fit me in. At this point I had lost 6 lbs in 3 days. Around 8 I realized that I hadn't felt Piper move in almost 2 hours. I ate some jello and drank some apple juice and she still wasn't moving. So at 9 we went back to Labor and Delivery. The first nurse was talking to Caleb while I was peeing in a cup and she asked him about why we went to the hospital twice in one day, then she was incredibly surprised to hear that our doctor never checked up on us afterwards. She couldn't understand how he wouldn't make sure we were okay. Then our second nurse came in and checked on Piper's heartbeat, it was really strong and of course as soon as she was put on the monitor she started moving and kicking...I swear she did that on purpose. Then our THIRD nurse came in. At this point we have told 2 other people all of my symptoms, but we still had to tell her. So we tell her about the diarrhea and losing 6 pounds and nausea and all of the same things we have been telling doctor's and nurses since Tuesday. THIS LADY WAS ON THE BALL. As soon as she heard about the weight loss she went to the doctor on call and they put me on an IV and gave me 4 liters of fluids. I felt so much better after that. All of my pain went away. ALL OF IT! After 3 doctors (not including my neighbor) and 9 nurses somebody FINALLY did something for me. I didn't take any anti-diarrhea medicine because I figured that if it was safe for me to take when I told all the millions of people about it they would have told me to take some! After I took the imodium I haven't had diarrhea since. Why wasn't I told to take that on day one???? There are so many more small details that this nurse took care of that nobody else did, but this is already really long. Basically, I am incredibly grateful that I will NEVER have another baby in this district again. Ever. 

Miss anything: My back not hurting. 

Movement: Not so many kicks anymore, since she's running out of room, but lot's of pushing against me. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Oh yeah...obviously. 

Looking forward to: My baby shower tomorrow!!! It is a bad weekend to have it because it's Fall Break here, so there might not be a very good turn out, but still, I am excited to celebrate with the people who are able to make it. 

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

37 Weeks

And just in case you don't know what a winter melon is...

Who would have thought that I would ever get this far! Okay, obviously everyone, but it just seems crazy that I'm here and we are so close to meeting her! We had a doctor's appointment on Monday and he said that everything is going right on track. He says that Piper is measuring at 35 weeks, so a little small, but her heartbeat is healthy. I am also one cm dilated. Nine cm left! 
How far along: 37 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep, yep. 

Stretch marks: Just a little. 

Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer. 

Sleep: Good and not so good. Once I can find a comfortable position I'm usually good for the night. Sleeping with a heating pad also really helps. 

Best moment this week: Getting a package from my best friend, Abby! It was filled with the best, most thoughtful gifts. I'm so lucky to have a friend like her. Also, my other best friend, Sister Jallyn Shepherd, hit her one year mark this week!!! Only 6 months until I get her back!

Worst moment this week: Last Friday I got really sick. The doctor said it could be a distended gallbladder, but they weren't really sure. It went away so nobody's worried. 

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach. I was thinking about it last night, I'm not even sure I remember how to do it. Hopefully it's like riding a bike and when this little one gets out I will be able to get right back to it. 

Movement: Not so many kicks anymore, since she's running out of room, but lot's of pushing against me. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Just the gallbladder thing. 

Looking forward to: Seeing Meet the Mormons tonight. 

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

36 Weeks

Does anyone even know what a crenshaw melon is? No? Me either. Here's a picture.

How insane is it that we only have four weeks until our due date??? We have all the necessary "big" stuff, like a crib and changing table, we have enough newborn clothes to get us through, so if she comes early we will make it :) However, I am really hoping that she waits and comes after the baby shower on the 18th. That would be nice of her...just as long as she doesn't wait too long! I had a doctor's appointment with my thyroid doctor this week. She said that the nodule on my thyroid has gotten smaller which means that it is not cancerous. She couldn't say that for 100% it's not cancerous because she hasn't done a biopsy, but she said that if it was cancerous it would have gotten bigger and my thyroid levels would not have remained normal. So that's fabulous news! She does want to do a biopsy after Piper is born, just to be safe. 

How far along: 36 weeks.

Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!

Maternity clothes: Yep. Does anyone get to 36 weeks and not wear maternity clothes? I actually just got some really cute jeans and am kind of bummed that I don't get to wear them much longer...I may just wear them all the time. What? They're cute! 

Stretch marks: Just a little. I got some cream and stuff and now they are almost gone :)

Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer. 

Sleep: You know, I've really been blessed in the sleep department. I have had some troubles, but nothing that keeps me up all night every night. Once I get to sleep I usually am able to stay asleep until I need to go to the bathroom. 

Best moment this week: Finding out from my doctor that I am most likely cancer free! Also, seeing some of my students yesterday. I went to the school to drop off baby shower invitations and spent some time with my students. One of them, I'll call her Peter Pan, asked me if I could take Piper out for a little bit. She's so silly. 

Worst moment this week: Being so sleepy! Even though I sleep pretty well I still want to take a nap everyday. 

Miss anything: Okay, I know this has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I miss Autumn weather. It still gets up in the 80's and 90's here in St. George and I hate it. IT'S OCTOBER FOR HEAVEN'S SAKES! I want to wear my pants, boots, scarves and sweaters!!! I cannot wait to move away from here. 

Movement: Yeah, she doesn't kick much anymore, but she pushes up against me. 

Cravings: Nope. 

Queasy or sick: Yesterday when I woke up I was super sick. Like, about to throw was weird, but it didn't last long. 

Looking forward to: General Conference weekend. I am so stinking excited to get to sit at a prophet's feet and listen to the words of the Lord. If you'd like to experience it you can watch it online at 

Extra: Here's the registry link. Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.