Thursday, November 2, 2017

Piper Turns Three

Dear Piper,
I cannot comprehend that you are three years old. The years go by so much faster now that you are in our life. I've never known a child with so much spunk as you. You are by far the silliest child I've ever met and your tenacity shows through in everything you do. I have never felt so blessed to be your mom as I have this past year.

This has been a tough year for our family, although you don't understand most of what's happened. When Mommy lost our baby in December you were truly my saving grace. I would always try so hard not to cry in front of you, but whenever I snuck away quietly to cry privately, you would find me. You'd just crawl into my lap and let me hold you for a while. Then you'd wipe my tears away, give me a hug and say, "it's okay Mommy. I love you." I don't know if you'll ever know how much I needed you in those moments. There were so many times as I was struggling to come out of that depression that I thought I was a terrible mom to you, that I wasn't doing enough. Although I never voiced those thoughts in your presence, somehow you always knew when I was thinking it. You'd run to me, give me a hug, and say, "Mom, you no bad mom! You great mom!"

I've said this so many times, but every day it proves to me to be more and more true; you were sent to this Earth to be a special spirit. One of your tasks here is to give light and joy to those around you and this last year you have been, at times, my only source of joy.

We also moved this year! Moving down to St. George has been so much fun for you! We are only .4 miles from Mimi and PaPaw and you LOVE being able to see everyone so often. It has been so fun to watch your relationships grow with our family. I love how much you love your cousin, Parker. You two are only a day apart and to watch your friendship grow these last 3 years has been such a blessing. I hope the two of you stay good friends your entire lives.

You have learned so much this year! You talk all day long, and usually end your sentences by saying "Mom", which I have to admit, I love. You learned how to go potty in the big girl potty (we're still working on bed-time and number twos). You are learning shapes, colors, numbers and the alphabet! You love to skip from 4 to 8, but when you slow down, you do know how to count to 10.

Halloween became your favorite holiday this year. You loved all the scary stuff and watching scary Halloween movies.

This year, you met your best friend, Reaggan. What a blessing it has been to have her move in down the street! You two were quick friends and fight like sisters. The two of you together are so comical! Together you love to make food in your play kitchen, play with the baby dolls, watch Moana, get dirty, and laugh.

Piper, there is not a day that goes by that I do not think how blessed I am that you chose me. You are so special and will always hold such a special place in my heart. Every one who meets you loves you. You have a joy that radiates through your eyes and it touches others. I know that this next year will have it's own set of trials, but you are the best girl for the job. You are my favorite three year old in the whole wide world.


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