"Time stand still I order you,
no minutes pass until I'm through,
doing what I have to do.
Time stand still I order you."
Just got that lovely spell off of http://www.spellsofmagic.com/.
Did it work? Is Piper going to stay little forever now? Because, seriously, my heart can't handle this growing up stuff! Remember when she was so little and now she is 8 weeks away from being 1! That is not okay people! Not okay!
Piper now has seven teeth. You heard me, seven. Three on top and four on bottom. Teething is my worst nightmare. We are still working on her one-year molars. I have to tell you, I'm over teething. My daughter is the happiest baby you could ever meet, until she starts teething. Then an angry monster comes to play. A monster that is particularly fond of crying and not sleeping.
She can now stand on her own without the support of anything/one, but usually won't because she only stands to reach something someone is holding and once she has it she is very content to sit down and explore whatever she just took. Piper has also taken a couple of steps but prefers to crawl because it's faster! Seriously, this baby is always on the move. Caleb and I are convinced that she knows how to walk, but because it's not faster than crawling she won't do it.
Piper says "mama," "dada," and "nana".
Her new favorite thing is Elmo. I don't like to let her watch TV but it is truly the only way I can make her stop moving so I can feed her! She'll be in her highchair trying to twist and turn and hit the spoon out of my hand until I turn it on and then she's calm. She definitely knows how to get her way.
She now eats Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner of solids with bottles in between. She will only allow you to cuddle with her if she is drinking a bottle and sometimes not even that secures your cuddle time.
Piper can now wave hello and goodbye and clap her hands, although she would much rather make someone else clap.
She loves to make messes, read books, play outside and go for walks. She loves when Daddy tickles her.
Piper is starting to show preference to people, especially her mom, but still loves interacting with everyone! She loves going to the store and smiling and waving at strangers. And let me tell you, strangers love it too.
I know a lot of mom's say things like this, but I promise you, there is not a happier baby than Piper. Before she was born Caleb and I had a distinct feeling that one of her purposes in this life is to bring joy and happiness to others, to be a light in the darkness. At only 10 months old I am already seeing this come to pass. She brightens up everyone's day. Always ready to smile and remind you of the simple things in life. Piper's smile is a little piece of heaven.
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