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24.5 inches 13.2 lbs |
Piper is now three months old! It's crazy how fast time goes, but also how it feels like she has been here forever and ever...Is this how I open all my monthly blog posts about her? I feel quite redundant. Nevertheless, it's true and I'll probably say it every month, so get use to it.
This has been a big month for our Sweet P. She has learned so much!
This month Piper has:
- learned how to roll from tummy to back
- started smiling more and almost always smiling back at anyone who smiles at her
- laughed a handful of times (we can't wait until she's all giggles)
- been able to hold her head up for longer periods of time
- grown...A LOT
- began to roll from her BACK to her tummy, but once she got on to her side she tottered right back over to her back
- got her first round of shots! Ouch :(
As you can see she has accomplished so much in such a short time. I looked at her today and declared she wasn't allowed to get any bigger. This is the perfect size. She still loves to cuddle. She loves when I sing to her. She's big enough to play with, granted our play is tummy time and rattles, but still. She loves having books read to her and she enjoys taking in every aspect of the world around her. I am convinced that she is the most observant baby in the world and nothing anyone says will make me think otherwise.
Every morning when she starts to get restless and I can tell she's going to wake up I sing In the Leafy Tree Tops to her and she just smiles and smiles. However, whenever I try and record it happening she immediately stops smiling and just stares at the back of my fancy recording device (my cell phone). That stinker. She does the same thing when I try and get a picture of her. She could be smiling for hours but as soon as I put that camera up to snap a picture BAM she's done and as far as she's concerned she has never smiled before. Pretty sure she got that from me...darn it!
This month has also been really hard, at least for us parents, especially me. For two months I spent every single second with my adorable baby and then all of a sudden I was thrown back into school and I have to leave my baby for 6 hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It's hard. Every single day I have to hold back the tears. I think about my sweet girl at home with Daddy every minute. I miss her like I've never missed someone in my life, and I've moved away from A LOT of good friends. There is nothing quite like a mother's love.
There have been days when I want to quit. Just give up. All I really want in this life is to stay home with my baby and have a good life with my husband. It's because of those desires that I don't quit school though. I know that my degree is so important. If something was to happen to my sweet husband, whether it's a physical disability, unemployment or other terrible things, I need to have my degree as a back up plan. I know that education is important and I feel as if I am making the ultimate sacrifice to obtain it, but one day it might be worth it.
Luckily, Caleb is taking almost all of his classes online so he is able to take on the role of mom while I am away. I am lucky to be married to such a kind man who supports me in my education goals and has a desire greater than mine at times, for me to finish what I started so many eons ago.
Every day life gets a little fuller and a little brighter with this sweet baby. I am amazed at the amount I love her each day. It's as if every time I look at her I fall a little more in love.
Children are living breathing proof that your heart can live outside of your body.
This month has also been filled with a lot of death. An acquaintance from high school lost his mom very suddenly, an old friend lost her baby and my brother lost one of his best friends. I feel spoiled. I look at my beautiful, healthy baby and my heart cringes for the loss these three are encountering. I hold her a little closer and thank my Father in Heaven for the sweet blessing she is.
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