What a boring week! I am trying to find things to occupy my time until our little one comes. So far I have cleaned out/reorganized our bedroom closet, storage space and linen closet. I have started and completed my anniversary present to Caleb, started and finished a book, and then started another. All of this in the past 5 days. I'm running out of things to do!
How far along: 29 weeks!
Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!
Maternity clothes: I am no longer even trying to put on my pre-pregnancy pants. So now I am strictly wearing leggings, pajamas and my maternity pants...all two pairs of them. I can still wear my pre-pregnancy shirts. Which is good since apparently there are basically no maternity clothes in St. George.
Stretch marks: Yes. No new ones. Just the stupid ones I already found. I have Caleb check the bottom of my stomach just in case there are some I cannot see.
Belly button in or out: Still not out! I cannot believe it. It's really shallow. But the very top of it is stubborn and will not allow it to pop out...yet anyways.
Sleep: This week was better than last! I hardly even had to use my pillows this week. How great is that? I'm sure it won't last, but it's nice for now.
Best moment this week: Finding a dress for our maternity pictures! I am so in love with it and cannot wait to share it with you all. It made me feel beautiful and that is something I haven't felt in a long time. I actually looked in the mirror and smiled when I put it on. It's gorgeous. Also, seeing my friend Becca! I haven't seen her since she got back to STG so it was so exciting to see her and catch up a little.
Worst moment this week: Shopping. Even though I found the perfect dress it was a rough go of it. We went to three stores, Kohls, JCPenney and Dillard's, none of them have maternity sections except for online. I know this is stupid, but I felt like I was being told that I was too fat to shop at normal stores. This is why I have no maternity clothes. So if any of you have cute maternity clothes you'd like to send me, I won't complain. I'm a size small :)
Miss anything: SUSHI AND A HAM SANDWICH! I cannot wait until I get to eat a stupid sandwich. If you didn't know, lunch meat can carry something called listeria which is VERY harmful for babies inside the womb. 11 more stinking weeks.
Movement: Yes :) Lots of it. Nothing crazy painful or that keeps me up at night, but just her little flutterings of moving around and getting comfortable. If anything, it keeps me up just because I like to feel her.
Cravings: Still no cravings. I'm so bummed. I was really hoping to get cravings for delicious icecream sundaes and stuff. Then Caleb would have to get them for me...not that he wouldn't get me one if I didn't ask. I so lucked out with this man of mine!
Queasy or sick: Nah, just back aches. There's basically no good position for sitting.
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I am a little nervous about it though...I will be taking the gestational diabetes test and with my luck I'll probably come up positive. Plus, what if the drink is super gross? haha
Extra: Here's the registry link. http://www.target.com/GiftRegistrySearchViewCmd?registryType=BB&jsRequest=true&catalogId=10051&status=completePage&cumulativeTime=-1&listId=GXCHgkyVBN9G_dcj-V7vUQ&noOfPings=®istryFirstName=Rebekah&langId=-1&segmentGrpName=-1&storeId=10151®istryLastName=Hackett Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.
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