We are officially in the 3rd trimester! It's crazy. I feel like I've been pregnant forever, but at the same time it's going so quickly. This week I learned of MORE things nobody tells you about pregnancy. I mean, really. You go into this expecting morning sickness for awhile and just plain uncomfortableness as you get ridiculously huge, but some of the other side effects NOBODY TELLS YOU! Well, I'm telling you. Read on...
How far along: 27 weeks! The third trimester! I can't believe we are 2/3 of the way done!
Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!
Maternity clothes: This week I have been sticking to leggings most days. I haven't tried to put on my regular jeans, so I don't know how they are fitting.
Stretch marks: Yes. I got some this week and I just about died. They are very light and hardly noticeable, but still. They aren't on my tummy though, which is where I expected them to show up.
Belly button in or out: Not out yet. It's dangerously close.
Sleep: This week has been good for sleep. I just surround myself with pillows on one side and Caleb on the other and I have a pretty good support system that way. Caleb is left with like one pillow, but with everything I have to go through...he'll deal :)
Best moment this week: Caleb being done with school! I love having him come home and being able to hangout with me instead of doing homework. It's a nice little break for us until January. Date night was also amazing. We had a marathon of the Next Great Baker and then we made some tasty treats :) I love spending time with my husband.
Worst moment this week: Sciatic nerve pain! Okay ladies, if you have never had a baby then listen up! This is something I was not made aware of. When you get further along your baby starts to get into position to be born. Sometimes this means that she will sit on your sciatic nerve. Basically what that means is you are never going to walk again. Well, at least not while she's sitting on it. There were times where it was just this dull ache and then other times where my knee gave out every time I tried to stand on it. This can last the rest of my pregnancy AND FOR A FEW WEEKS AFTER! What???? Yeah, I'm serious. Also, getting sick. Not like nausea or anything, but cold like symptoms. According to my What to Expect When You're Expecting book, this is super normal and just another part of growing a human being.
Miss anything: Other than sleeping on my stomach, not really. Maybe not forgetting everything. I can never think of the words I need to finish my sentences. Pregnancy brain. Did ya know about that one?
Movement: A little more this week. She definitely moves more after like 5 pm. I feel like, compared to other women, my baby doesn't move as much, or with as much force. Also, when should I be able to tell where her feet are? I have no timeline for when stuff like that is supposed to happen.
Cravings: Still no. I'm pretty sure I'm way past the point where those are supposed to kick in.
Queasy or sick: Just cold stuff. So obnoxious. As if pregnancy wasn't difficult enough I have to get sick on top of that and BECAUSE of being pregnant.
Looking forward to: Caleb's birthday :) My man turns 26 on Sunday! I'm so stinking excited. I have some silly little things planned for him.
Extra: Here's the registry link. http://www.target.com/GiftRegistrySearchViewCmd?registryType=BB&jsRequest=true&catalogId=10051&status=completePage&cumulativeTime=-1&listId=GXCHgkyVBN9G_dcj-V7vUQ&noOfPings=®istryFirstName=Rebekah&langId=-1&segmentGrpName=-1&storeId=10151®istryLastName=Hackett Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.
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