It has been six months since I shared on our blog! Although, this feels more like a journal I'm keeping to Piper rather than a blog. These past six months have been crazy for our family and I'm not going to lie, writing Piper's 18 month update is very bittersweet for me. No, I'm not baby hungry, I don't want another baby, I want my little Piper baby. I love watching her grow and learn, but I am scared. The older she gets the less she needs for me to do for her, physically, but the more she relies on me spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I don't know if I'm up for the challenge. I could do the late night feedings, the cuddles, teaching her how to roll over, crawl, walk and run, but can I do the rest? How do I know if I'm doing all I can to teach her to love Jesus, how to be safe, how to be kind? The older she gets the less influence I have and the more the world comes into play. How do I teach her to block out the world?
PHEW! Didn't mean to get into all of that, but I'll admit it felt good to write that out, so thank you for reading my insecurities. On to Piper...
When did time speed up?!?!?! The things Piper can't do grows smaller every day. She still loves meeting new people, although she is a little more wary (which makes my momma heart a little more at peace). Piper loves all animals and has grown quite attached to her puppy, Banner. They've loved each other since day one, but now Piper doesn't even like it if he goes outside and she can't see him. They wrestle like brother and sister and that sweet puppy just lets her yank on him. He is such a good dog and has been a wonderful addition to our family, no matter what anyone else may say. Not only does Piper love real animals, but she loves her stuffed animals! She will no longer sleep without her lovey, Samson, a teddy bear that originally belonged to Mommy and Piper commandeered.
Piper has found a new love for babies. She has two baby dolls that she enjoys feeding, clothing and changing their diapers. She also loves real babies and gives them as many hugs (more like forceful squeezes) as she can. Mommy and Daddy may not be baby hungry, but Piper sure is! Sometimes when we are outside she can hear our neighbor's baby crying and she always goes over to their door in great concern for the baby.
Piper loves to read and reads all of her books on a daily basis. She is learning how to clean up after herself and throw things in the trash, whether it's trash or not. She enjoys unloading the dishwasher and moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer.
One of her favorite things to do is play outside. She loves running around and having fun! Just like a toddler (gasp!) should.
Piper's favorite food is anything that is in Mommy and Daddy's hands, even if it's the same thing on her plate. We recently discarded her high chair and she now sits at the table in a booster seat.
She continues to sing and dance, her favorite songs are the Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. We sing these on repeat in our car.
Piper loves to do her makeup and puts it on any chance she gets. She also loves to brush her teeth and gets really excited when she "blinds" Mommy with how white they are after brushing.
Piper talks a lot! She especially loves taking anything that resembles a phone and talking on it while walking around with her "purse" (aka her basket from Easter). Most of what she says is still babbles, but she does have a lot of single words, we just haven't formed them to make phrases yet.
She says multiple animal noises, Jesus, hi, bye, more, please, eat, yes, no, Mom, Dad, cheese, ear, eye, Ban (for Banner), and more.
Piper has learned all the parts of her face, eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, and ears.
She is starting to understand what the potty is. She will sometimes go to the toilet and start to pull her pants down. We will then help her take her diaper off and sit her on the toilet, wipe and flush. She hasn't actually gone to the bathroom in the toilet yet, but we aren't worried about potty training right now, this is just good practice for her.
Piper starts nursery next Sunday and then Toddler Lab the Tuesday after that. Toddler Lab is a class on campus for toddlers 18mo. to 2 years old that is taught by students in the education and child development major as part of their required curriculum. I had the opportunity to teach it last semester and now Piper is going to be able to attend. We are so excited for the friends she will make and the things she will learn in both nursery and Lab, but I feel a little weird about turning over some of the responsibility of teaching to someone other than myself and my husband.
There is so much more I could tell you about our sweet little girl. She continues to be a light in trying times. She is the reason we work as hard as we do in school and with our business. She is everything to us and there has never been a more adored child in the history of the world. It astounds me that there was even a life to live before her.
These next 6 months promise to be filled with more laughter and learning. As sad as I am to see my little baby disappear, I am excited to see all the growing that will take place.