Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Two Months

There goes another month. She doesn't actually turn two months until Friday, January 2nd, but we will be driving up to Rexburg that day. I can't believe it's only been two months. I think I may say that every month, but it just feels like she has been with us so much longer. How did we ever live without her?

Piper: This month she has gained a lot of weight. At her doctor's appointment yesterday she weighed 12.5 lbs! She's our little chubster. Her hair is turning strawberry blonde and her eyes are still blue. She discovered her tongue this month and likes to stick it out while she smiles. She is also blowing bubbles, which I don't think she knows she's doing, but she does it a lot. Piper is starting to smile back at us on a regular basis and she loves when we talk to her. She loves to talk to us. She loves cooing and we love cooing back. Although most members of my family would like to deny it, Auntie Em is her favorite. Sometimes I think she likes Emmah more than me, and when she's crying I'm okay with that. She still isn't sleeping through the night. In fact, she's going through a growth spurt because she's been eating every 2-3 hours at night! I was able to start pumping a few days ago so at least I'm not the only one who has to feed her.

Momma: I'm doing really good. I love being a mom. This next month I will be starting school and Caleb will be home with Piper while I'm gone. That's scary for me. I'm going to miss her so much while I'm gone. I've started pumping and that seems to be going well. I get about 3 oz from each side every time I pump.

We are so blessed to have Piper in our lives. I can't imagine our life getting any better.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

One Month Old

My baby girl is one month old today. She woke me up at 4:53 am to eat so I was able to wish her a happy one month birthday at 4:57, the exact time when she was born. Can anyone believe that she is a month old already? Let me tell you, being pregnant for a month feels a lot longer than being a mom for a month. I'm so glad to not be pregnant anymore.
I am going to attempt to update you all on her monthly progress, at least for her first year and then we'll see what happens from there. I will also update you on me, I know all you really care about is Piper, but maybe a few of you still care about me too ;)

This past month has been the happiest month of mine and Caleb's life. We are so in love with this sweet angel. She loves to look at lights, the Christmas tree is her favorite. She giggles and coos at us in her sleep. She's not old enough to know she's giggling, but it warms our hearts just the same. She makes lots of funny faces. One of our favorites is what we call her Bill Cosby face. You know that face he makes where he rolls his eyes and smiles? Well, she makes that same face. I haven't captured it on camera yet, but I'll keep trying.

She's gotten really good at holding her pacifier in her mouth. She puts both her hands to her mouth and holds it. It's pretty cute. Piper is a LOUD pooper. I mean, really loud. I will definitely be passing that information on to her future boyfriends. She loves to be held close and usually on her tummy. Piper loves tummy time. Her neck is getting so strong and she's able to hold her head up for about 10 seconds! She is sleeping more through the night. She slept for about 7 hours a few nights ago, but it didn't last long. Usually it's about 4 hours, which is better than when she had jaundice and it was only 2 hours at a time! Piper loves to stay up late. She wakes up around 8 pm to eat and is wide awake until about midnight, sometimes even later. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.

I am doing really well. People seem to be surprised by how I'm doing. I was told that I was supposed to miss being pregnant, that I wouldn't feel as connected to my baby once she was born. LIES. I love not being pregnant and I feel more connected to her now than I did before. She's perfect. Don't get me wrong, I have my nervous breakdowns every once in a while. Being a mom is scary! There are so many things I could do wrong! Luckily, I have an amazing husband who knows just what to do to calm me down. I'm also really lucky to have my parents and siblings who will hold her whenever I need, it will be an adjustment come January when we move back to Rexburg and don't have them around.
I am a mom. It's hard to believe. I think I may be one of the first from my high school class to be married and have a child. When I get on Facebook I see posts from my friends, updates on their lives. They are buying cars, starting their careers, traveling the world, doing things that most 22 year olds dream of. Then, here I am, a mom. I change poopy diapers and get spit on all day and I wouldn't change one second of it. I'm still in school. We struggle to make ends meet. We have medical bills up to our eyeballs, but I love where I am in life. I'm a mom, a wife and a full-time student. Life is difficult, but it's perfect.