So I can now count down the weeks on one hand. At times I feel like I have been pregnant forever and then at other times it feels like it's flying by. So many of my friends have been having their babies a couple weeks early, so I'm really hoping I will follow in the footsteps. The baby shower is officially set for October 18th, so anytime after that would be good. I am stressing out about all the things we don't have. I know that most of it will come at the shower, but I want her room done now! I'm blaming it on nesting, but I know that I would be that way whether or not I was pregnant. I like having things in order!
How far along: 35 weeks.
Gender: A sweet baby girl! We are so excited to be adding a princess to our family!
Maternity clothes: Yeah. I'm lucky that I don't work so I can just lounge around in my big comfy pj's. When I wear clothes that are even a little tight I get sick. Even just wearing a shirt that is fitting makes me sick. Maternity pants with a full stomach panel...yeah, bad news. I get really hot and faint and my stomach feels like I put a corset on it and pulled tight.
Stretch marks: Just a little. I got some cream and stuff and now they are almost gone :)
Belly button in or out: Out. I can't deny it any longer.
Sleep: It's okay. Some nights are good, some nights aren't.
Best moment this week: Figuring out all our stuff for going back to Rexburg. Caleb and I have both figured out our classes and we put a deposit down on our apartment. Our original plan was for me to take online schooling to finish my degree, but after praying and pondering about the subject we decided the best thing for me would be to continue my degree on campus. It will be difficult, I'll be in class MWF from 9-4 with only one 30 minute break between classes, but it will be worth it once I have my degree.
Worst moment this week: Feeling sick.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach and sleeping through the night.
Movement: Yep. Her movements are getting very jabby's a little painful at times.
Cravings: Nope.
Queasy or sick: Yeah, I was really sick yesterday morning because of my clothes.
Looking forward to: Getting my haircut on Saturday. It's just a trim, but still, it's been a while and this will be my last cut until after Piper comes :)
Extra: Here's the registry link.®istryFirstName=Rebekah&langId=-1&segmentGrpName=-1&storeId=10151®istryLastName=Hackett Just copy and past that huge thing in...or press here.
So this is a week late, but I forgot to do the compare last week. You'll forgive me, I'm blaming it on pregnancy brain.